We've had our Kitteh noses square on the national mews lately since there has been so much that Mother Nature has delivered lately. First there was the very unusual Earthquake in Virginia, which it appears that many a Kitteh felt the P-Waves prior to the shaking. We are indeed super sensitive to these natural occurrences as are our fellow quadrupeds. Now comes hurricane Irene, making her way up the Eastern coast like a ginormous flushing bidet, swirling and hurling. Our natural Kitteh instinct is to head fur dry ground and stock up on extra Kibbles, bottles of Tuna water, and Kitty Litter. One could then ride out the brunt of the storm knowing that they are well prepared Kittehs!
Stay safe all you fellow feline furriends.
Stocking up on Kibbles & Tuna Water.
Kitteh disaster preparedness. |
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