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We're a couple of AWESOME KITTEHS that leave a 'PAW PRINT' in each of our wild & crazy adventures. FOLLOW US & look for our PAWESOME MARK !

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Finding Kitteh Solace

Today was a good day to confur with Madame Fang, our wise Kitteh Reverend.  As she purrs it, not all days are going to be filled with good energy and positive Chi'.  This was one of those days where our normal jovial Kitteh behavior came back to bite us in the purrverbial Kitteh ass.  Madame Fang says that good days and bad days all come down to 'intentions', and not all kittehs think the same.

After a day of introspection, some purraying and a few hail meowies, we came to the conclusion that thinking wise and thus behaving wisely will better serve our Kitteh world.  After all we are still very loving Kittehs with good hearts and good karmic intentions.  Scrolling through the world's news is a good way fur us to appreciate what we have.  A warm, safe home to curl up and nap in, lots of Catnip toys, and an endless supply of kibbles and noms.  By that alone... we still have faith in tomorrow's Good Chi'.
Good Day! Good Chi'!

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