Next week is one of our favorite holidays of the year. We find that we get loads of extra hugs and nommies on Valentine's Day... as should be the case evfuryday. As Cupid's day draws near, we kittehs have noticed more salmon and tuna tidbits making their way to our tummies via Mom's 'weak pushover' streak. We've learned how to BEG with DIGNITY... but if you believe that... then we've got some KITTEH SWAMPLAND to sell you. There is no shame in 'yowling' for noms, just as there is no shame in a 16 hour nap! We kittehs earn evfury treat that hits the floor. We live by the '2 Second Rule'... who ever gets the treat in 2 seconds... RULES.
There are many ways in which to earn 'Mousy Points' during this month of Hummingbird Hearts, Chocolate Mice, and those special Meowtinis. Start with lots of head butts, shin rubs and shoe worshiping... and not to be furgotten... be extra neat and tidy in your Zen garden litter box... that is be sure to 'disengage your load fully' before exiting. Tootsie rolls are NEVER a big favorite gift to leave. That is considered 'cheap' and 'unsophisticated'. We also always offur up plenty of Kitteh massages using the heel of our paws to give maximum deep tissue relief. Extra points can be earned when focusing on the uppurr back and neck areas.
All of this Kitteh butt kissing should result in a steady stream of spectacular treats, high tech Kitteh toys, and a new crop of Catnip spiked with salmon oil essence.
Happy Valentine's Day! Love Your Kittehs! |
For those who believe Valentine's Day is only for humans... just remember... your Kitteh has already put in a web order of Chicken liver treats and fresh Catnip Kiss balls.... You just don't know it yet.